Organizing My Craft Supplies

I run a DIY channel and blog, so it’s no surprise I’ve accumulated A LOT of craft supplies. The thing is, I never really had a place to keep them all in one spot, so I’d store supplies in plastic bins, containers, my (knockoff) IKEA Kallax shelf.

Whenever I needed something, I had to dig and search. It just wasn’t effective and would deter me from DIYing (or cause me to re-buy something I already had!).

So, in the video below, I show you how I spent two days organizing all my craft supples.

Better yet, this will be part one of two of my craft space makeover.

In the video, I mentioned I’d link the drawer unit I assembled and am using: so it is linked right here! (Best thing to do is wait until it’s on sale or there is a good coupon. I paid $55 when I purchased it with free shipping!)

Once part two is up, I’ll include that link!

Hopefully this inspired you to do some organizing. Leave a comment if there’s anything you’d like to see me organize next!

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