DIY Sweater Refashion: 3 Ways

(Note: this tutorial was created before I had this blog. So the text instructions will not be as in-depth for any posts created before September 30, 2018.)

I'm giving a makeover to 3 boring sweaters and turning them into trendy sweaters you'll actually want to wear. NO SEWING MACHINE REQUIRED! All you need are old sweaters from your closet (or the thrift store) and a few supplies.

Sweater 1: Lace Sleeves



  • Sweater

  • A decently-wide lace trim. (Make sure you have enough for both sleeves plus some extra!!!)

  • A really good Fabric glue

  • Fabric scissors


  1. Flatten out your sleeve to find the true top fold. Snip the sleeve right under the shoulder seam. Then flatten it out so that fold line is on top.

  2. Cut all the way down the sleeve, stopping at the wrist cuff.

  3. Now it’s time to make the opening. depending on the width of your lace, cut the opening. So since my lace was an inch and a quarter, I cut the opening about an inch wide. Depending on the material of your sweater, you may need to hem the opening under instead of cutting it. Since my sweater was so tightly knit, I was able to get away with keeping the raw edge.

  4. Next, take your fabric glue and put a thin line around the opening.

  5. Lastly, take your lace and gently press it into the glue on the sleeve. Also fold the bottom end under the sleeve to create a clean seam. Once the lace down, do only minor adjustments, otherwise, let it go until dry.

  6. Repeat these steps on the other sleeve.

Sweater 2: Trimmed Shoulders



  • A sweater (or crewneck sweatshirt like I used)

  • Various matching trims and ribbons. Mine came in a multi-pack, but you’ll only need 4

  • Fabric glue

  • Scissors


  1. First you need to lay out your trim to decide what combination to do. (insert vid of trying other trims)

  2. Now it’s time to cut the trims. You can decide where you want to start along the collar, but then take the bottom trim in an angle down to where the sleeve seams meet. I used straight pins to help me line everything up.

  3. Then work your way up with the other 3 trims. (Word of the wise, don’t use a trim with metal chains on it, unless you want to endure a lot of fraying, pliers and suffering.) Just stick to easy-to-cut trims like the other three.

  4. Finally, glue down the trims and let it dry.

  5. Then repeat on the other side of the sweater.

Sweater 3: Open Back (w/ Bow!)



  • Sweater

  • Coordinating ribbon

  • A needle and thread that matches the sweater

  • Straight pins

  • Sewing scissors


  1. Flip your sweater so the back is on top. I found it’s also easier if the collar is facing you. Then take a pin to mark how low you want the opening to go. Keep in mind you’ll have to hem the edges later when doing so.

  2. Then cut down the middle of the sweater to the pin.

  3. Next, you can either free-hand or grab a marker to draw out half of the cut. It won’t matter if you leave a mark since it’ll get folded under.

  4. Then cut that out.

  5. You may be wondering how to make the other side symmetrical. Well just take the half you just cut, flip it over, and pin to the other side. Then cut around it.

  6. If your sweater is fraying after you cut it, you’re going to have to hem it under. Pin it down about a half inch.

  7. Next it’s time to take your needle and thread and sew the hem under. (SO I know I said no sewing machine required… but doing this reminded me just how much I don’t have the patience to hand sew. So, I decided to use my sewing machine for the hem, but doing it by hand works just as well).

  8. Cut 2 pieces of ribbon for the back. I cut way more than I’d need, but it’s better to have too much than not enough.

  9. Pin the ribbon on and sew it.

  10. Once that’s done, try the sweater on and tie where the bow will be. Take it off and trim the excess ribbon on an angle. Another helpful tip is to take a lighter and melt the ends of the ribbon to prevent fraying.

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